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Writer's pictureNuno de Santos Loureiro

Aves das Tinhosas • Ilha do Príncipe

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

Durante uma das minhas passagens pela Ilha do Príncipe tive a fantástica oportunidade de visitar as Tinhosas, dois rochedos quase perdidos no meio do Oceano. São um paraíso único de aves e passei um dia inteiro de máquina fotográfica na mão. Aqui ficam algumas imagens...

"Without doubt the most important seabird breeding colony in the Gulf of Guinea is the Ilhas Tinhosas, 25 km SSW of Príncipe. These comprise two small islands, Tinhosa Grande (c. 20 ha) and Tinhosa Pequena (c. 3 ha), which, in the 1960s, supported several hundred breeding pairs of Brown Boobies Sula leucogaster, 0.6-1.2 milion pairs of Sooty Terns Sterna fuscata and 20,000-50,000 pairs of Common and Black Noddies Anous stolidus and A. minutus (Naurois 1973). The most recent survey, in July 1997 (outside the peak breeding period for most species and therefore yielding minimum figures), has estimated 1,500-3,000 Brown Boobies, 111,000 Sooty Terns, 10,000-20,000 Common Noddies and 4,000-8,000 Black Noddies (Monteiro et al 1997). The Ilhas Tinhosas must therefore rank among the most important seabird sites in the eastern tropical Atlantic."

Jones, P & Tye, A. 2006. The Birds of São Tomé & Príncipe with Annobón, islands of the Gulf of Guinea. British Ornithologist's Union.

Tinhosa Grande: 1º20'31.8"N - 7º17'29.9"E

Tinhosa Pequena: 1º22'57.5"N - 7º16'59.3"E

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